HTML Full Tutorial For Beginners (Everything You Need To Know To Get Started)
In this comprehensive HTML tutorial you will see everything you need to know about HTML to get started.
What is HTML?
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. As we will see very soon it is technically not a programming language. Every website you visit online, no matter how fancy it is made up of 3 main components: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. HTML provides the raw materials of the website, such as all the text, all the images or even videos. CSS is responsible from taking this raw content and making it look pretty. Finally JavaScript is responsible from making the website dynamic and functional. Since its inception in 1991, HTML had multiple versions and in this tutorial we will be using the latest version of HTML, which is HTML 5.
Getting Started
We write HTML code in html files. These files end with .html and its usually much easier to edit them using IDEs, short for Integrated Development Environments. Probably the most popular one by far for web development is Visual Studio Code or VSCode for short. Using a IDE such as VSCode gives us many advantages while developing software. So earlier you start, earlier you will start seeing the benefits. You can search on Google for “Visual Studio Code”, you can also find the…